Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Too beautiful to pass up

I was walking down the street yesterday and saw these babies at a local fruit & veggie stand. Artichokes are in season now and I'm trying to buy some every chance I get.  I didn't eat many artichokes living in the States, not sure why.  

Here in Chile I discovered that people eat them by dipping them in mayonnaise.  In fact, many people here like to dip much of their food in mayonnaise.  I realize that may not be the healthiest way to eat artichokes, but it sure is delicious. 

I boiled these in water with a clove of garlic, lemon wedge and bay leaf. Today I used the water from the artichokes to make a really healthy cream of veggie soup.  You know there are a ton of nutrients that are released into the water that you're cooking those fresh vegetables in, right? Here's a great article about which vegetable waters are good for using later as a soup stock.  Should vegetable cooking water be saved?  Vegetables with the least amount of pesticides or organics are always the best choices.  

Do you have a recipe that uses vegetable water?